Cyber Security


Cyber Security

Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting electronic systems, devices, and networks from unauthorized access, attack, damage, or theft. Cybersecurity is important because it helps to prevent and mitigate cyber threats, which can have serious consequences such as data breaches, identity theft, financial loss, and even physical harm.

Some of the key components of cybersecurity include:

Confidentiality: Ensuring that sensitive data and information is kept private and only accessible by authorized individuals.

Integrity: Ensuring that data and information is not modified or altered in any unauthorized way.

Availability: Ensuring that authorized users have access to the resources they need when they need them.

Authentication: Verifying the identity of users or devices to prevent unauthorized access.

CAuthorization: Granting users or devices the appropriate level of access based on their identity and role.

Risk management: Assessing potential vulnerabilities and taking steps to mitigate or prevent them.

Common cybersecurity measures include firewalls, antivirus software, encryption, two-factor authentication, and security patches and updates. Cybersecurity professionals work to stay ahead of evolving threats and to implement new technologies and strategies to keep systems secure.